By Dona Senara FODMAP, which is short for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols are sugars scientifically known as short ...

Prebiotics are crucial to gut health and digestion as they help feed the good bacteria, and prevent the development of ...

If you believe that bacteria is always bad for you, think again. Different types of bacteria and microbes play an ...

Packed with proteins, these shakes and smoothies provide an ideal post-workout energy boost ...

Any immunity boosting diet needs to be one that is balanced and must include all food groups such as carbohydrates, ...

Immunity boosting diets exist but not in that detox (bring on the fruit juices) way that has captured one too ...

What is a ketogenic or keto diet? It’s a diet that’s rich in fat and low in carbohydrates but it ...

A keto diet is one where the consumption of carbohydrates (rice, wheat, potatoes, bananas and other starchy items) is lowered ...

plant-based diets consist of vegan, vegetarian and a mix of diets that have a limited or reduced consumption of animal ...

on deriving meals from plants and whole foods, and reducing animal product consumption without necessarily eliminating the latter. ...