Living Sustainably

‘Sustainable living’ is a phrase you’ve surely heard before. But what exactly does it mean? To put it simply, a sustainable lifestyle aims to curb our negative impact on the environment and safeguard natural resources for future generations. With extreme climate change and resource depletion staring us in the face, this practical philosophy is finding more and more takers among concerned citizens of the world. You can join the sustainability movement by making a few positive changes to your lifestyle.

1. Adopt minimalism

Leading a minimalist lifestyle isn’t simply about decluttering like Marie Kondo. It also means buying fewer things since impulse shopping is one of the greatest obstacles to living sustainably. Before you purchase an item, ask yourself: do I simply want it or do I need it? Will I still love it after a year? If you’re unsure, give it a pass and reconsider a week later.

2. Reuse and repurpose

Another good way to reduce consumption is to use what you already have. Get creative with items around the house. Can you reuse those empty jam jars to store spices and snacks instead of buying a new set of containers? Could that old step ladder be upcycled into a potted plant holder? When purchasing, consider buying secondhand instead of brand-new.

3. Combine errands

Having your own vehicle gives you the luxury of going wherever you want, whenever you want. While this is great, it does guzzle a lot more fuel than when using public transport. By combining several errands, you can eliminate wasteful journeys. Plan your grocery runs well so that you don’t need to make a separate trip for a single carton of milk or loaf of bread.

4. Minimise single-use items

Single-use items place immense pressure on landfills. Plastic is the worst offender as it contributes to emissions throughout its life cycle. You may not be able to eliminate single-use items entirely but you can certainly explore more eco-friendly alternatives. For instance, plastic cling wrap can be substituted with beeswax food wraps. For plates, consider biodegradable options like palm leaf plates or banana leaves, which are back in vogue.

5. Carry your own

Make it a point to carry your own water bottle, foldable shopping bag and stainless steel straw with you. It may seem like an annoyance to begin with but you’ll be surprised at how quickly it becomes an effortless habit.

Pallavi Pinakin
Pallavi Pinakin is an entrepreneur who loves to travel and discover new paths to health, happiness and sustainability.