Plant-based Diet Meal Plan

Meal Plan

Day 1

  • Breakfast Boiled mung beans with a bit of coconut and sambol
  • Lunch Red/brown rice, vegetables, fish or soy
  • Dinner Lentil soup
  • Snack Fruit

Day 2

  • Breakfast Oatmeal porridge
  • Lunch Sautéed vegetables, rice and lean protein
  • Dinner Red rice pittu with lentils
  • Snack A few nuts and fruit

Day 3

  • Breakfast Kola Kanda
  • Lunch Wholemeal pasta with vegetables, protein and sauce of choice
  • Dinner Wholemeal bread, steamed vegetables and protein
  • Snack Curd with some fruit

Day 4

  • Breakfast Eggs, tomatoes and wholemeal bread
  • Lunch Vegetable and lean meat, seafood or lentil stew with couscous
  • Dinner Red rice string hoppers with lentils and coconut sambol
  • Snack Fruit

Day 5

  • Breakfast Yoghurt or curd with fruits and granola
  • Lunch Salad, roasted potatoes and lean protein/vegetable burger
  • Dinner Sandwich with vegetables and hummus/lean protein
  • Snack Tempered chickpeas

Day 6

  • Breakfast Tempered adzuki beans (cowpea) with coconut
  • Lunch Brown rice with roasted vegetables and lean protein or lentil stew
  • Dinner Hoppers, egg and curries
  • Snack Fruit and some nut

Day 7

  • Breakfast Tempered chickpeas with coconut and dried shrimp for protein
  • Lunch Rice, mallung, vegetables and lean meat/lentils/chickpeas/jackfruit
  • Dinner Wholemeal chapattis with lean meat/egg/lentils/chickpeas
  • Snack Curd or fruit