Sugar Free Desserts

Goodbye processed sugar, hello natural sugars

By Nicola Jayasundera

Chocolate and Sticky Date Pudding

Gooey and chewy temptation minus the sin!

Watermelon Granita

Dig into this brain freeze treat with a side of creamy coconut and cashew cream.

Mango and Turmeric Soft Serve

A harmony of tropical flavours melding with coconut yogurt.

Chocolate Avocado Truffles

A sneaky treat that blends dark chocolate with creamy avocado.

Fruit Snacks

Healthy fruit and veggie jelly snacks, which you can whip up in a flash!

Chocolate Pudding

This keto-based pudding takes only 15 minutes to make with a few staple ingredients.

Frozen Yogurt Bites

Mix low-fat yogurt with fresh fruits and voila!

Chocolate Hummus

This brownie batter looking dip is a great accompaniment for fresh fruits.

Apple Crisp

Pop all the ingredients into an instant pot and you’ll have a healthy dessert without fuss.

Fruit Salad

Nothing beats a healthy dessert option with some chopped fresh fruit.
Nicola Jayasundera
Nicola loves nature/wildlife photography, creative designing and travelling.