Wandering Pathways

The Kanneliya Forest Reserve, which is a secluded area in the south of Sri Lanka, is said to be one of South Asia’s richest areas in flora. It was designated as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 2004.

Take a walk through one of the last remaining rainforests on the island and experience the thick jungle as it envelops you into a world of its own. From the bubbling flow of the river to the gentle songs of birds, the blanketing calm of the cool forest will renew you mind, body and soul.

Second in size to the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, this rainforest hides beautiful spots that are waiting to be discovered. Visitors can enjoy walking along winding paths, taking a quick dip in a passing stream, crossing on dicey rope bridges and travelling on slippery trails to find hidden waterfalls.

One forest trail will take you up to Kabbale Mountain peak and give you a panoramic view of the forest below. The other winding trail will take you deep into the jungle passing streams and waterfalls. On route you will pass a giant Navada tree.

The Kanneliya Forest Reserve, which occupies an area of 5,306 hectares, is home to more than half of Sri Lanka’s endemic species of mammals, butterflies, insects, reptiles and amphibians, and many of them are found only in this reserve.

Nicola Jayasundera
Nicola loves nature/wildlife photography, creative designing and travelling.